Meet Patrick, a medical doctor who completed his studies in Paris and currently specializes in oncology. He is concurrently enrolled in a part-time MD PhD program, with a research focus on immunotherapy and gut microbiota. As one of the founding members, Patrick serves as a director of the Bright Foundation.
"Throughout my educational journey, I've been incredibly fortunate to pursue a career in medicine and research—a path that I found both challenging and rewarding. Yet, looking back, I ask myself if it would have been possible without the support of financial stability or the guidance of dedicated mentors I had the privilege of meeting throughout my journey.
In summary, my story is one of both luck and dedication. I've always been grateful for the opportunities I've been given, which I've tried to get the most out of, and this gratitude has fueled my commitment to giving back. It is with this spirit of gratitude that the Bright Foundation came to be."
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